News and interesting facts

Largest Cities in Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of its physical area.  There are more than thousand cities located on its territory both large and small in terms of their area and population. In our today’s article, we’re going to tell you about the largest cities in Russia. Moscow Moscow is the capital […]


Largest Cities in Russia

News and interesting facts

Largest Cities in Russia

Russia is the largest country in the world in terms of its physical area.  There are more than thousand cities located on its territory both large and small in terms of their area and population. In our today’s article, we’re going to tell you about the largest cities in Russia.


Moscow is the capital of Russia, and the largest and densely populated city in Russia. Moscow has an estimated population of 12 million people, which several times exceeds the population of some European countries.


Moscow is a culturally and ethnically developed metropolitan city which has about fifty confessions.  In Moscow, you can see people of various ethnic origins, although Russians make up 90% of its population.

St Petersburg

St Petersburg is the second largest city and the northern capital of Russia. Its population is more than 5 million people. The city is considered the cultural center of Russia, as it attracts attention of a large number of tourists from around the world. The city is also of cultural and historical value; it hosts monuments and landmarks which have been added to the UNESCO World Heritage list.

St Petersburg


Novosibirsk is the third largest city in Russia in terms of population.  Only 100 years ago Novosibirsk was a small town.  Now its population exceeds 1.5 million.  Despite the fact that the city is located very far from the capital, people of more than 80 ethnic origins live there: Germans, Finns, Kazakhs, Tatars, Koreans, Poles, etc.



Yekaterinburg is the fourth largest city in Russia with the population about 1.4 million. The city was founded in 1723 as a steel processing plant on the decree of Peter the Great. It was named after Yekaterina I, Empress of Russia. In 1781 Empress Yekaterina II granted Yekaterinburg the status of a city.

In addition, Yekaterinburg is a tourist and cultural center. It hosts a lot of monuments, historical buildings, and landmarks which attract tourists from all over the world.


Nizhny Novgorod

Nizhny Novgorod is the fifth largest city in Russia. The city was founded in the 13th century. Nizhny Novgorod has an estimated population of 1.2 million. The historical part of the city is full of landmarks and is a tourist center in Russia. Nizhny Novgorod is also included in the list of 100 cities around the world which are of world cultural value.

Nizhny Novgorod

That’s the end of our article. We have told you about 5 largest cities in Russia. These cities are really important for the country and they are significant cultural centers in Russia. Have you ever been to these cities? Leave your impressions in the comment section.

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Research publications


Etude on Dvinsk by F.Fedorov

The Baltic region is one of the most catastrophe prone regions of the 2nd millennium, especially its second part; it is the centre of attraction of ‘geopolitical’ interests of the European world. Probably the most tragic fate has befallen to the eastern part of the present Latvia and its multi-titled town of Dinaburg – Dvinsk – Daugavpils. During its 730 years long history, the town went through five rather autonomous periods of development, five different lives (German, Polish, Russian, Latvian, Soviet), and at the beginning of the 1990s it entered into the 6th period.

The history of Dinaburg – Dvinsk – Daugavpils is the history of five attempts by the town to begin its life anew; and this is determined not only by the fact that the town was four times burned down and had to start life from scratch, but first and foremost because each of these periods was characterized by a total change of ethnos and the socio-cultural field.

The present article deals with the cultural space of the town in one of the most efficient periods of its development – from the 1860s till World War I.

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