Russian language, culture, history, traditions

Russian Summer Words

In one of the previous articles we talked about what Russians like to do in the summer. So, in this article let’s talk about the summer itself. In this article, we’ll teach you a few Russian summer words that will help you describe your adventures in the summer or talk about you plans for the […]


Russian Summer Words

Russian language, culture, history, traditions


In one of the previous articles we talked about what Russians like to do in the summer. So, in this article let’s talk about the summer itself. In this article, we’ll teach you a few Russian summer words that will help you describe your adventures in the summer or talk about you plans for the summer in Russian.

Let’s begin and look at a few interesting Russian summer words related to vacations:

Отдых – Rest

Лето [LYE-ta] summer
Летний [LYET-neey] summery
Отдых [OT-dih] rest
Отдыхать [at-di-HAT’] rest
Пляж [PLYA-zh] beach
Курорт [koo-RORT] resort
Море [MO-rye] sea
Океан [a-kee-AN] ocean
Озеро [O-zee-ra] lake
Река [ree-KA] river
Бассейн [ba-SYEIN] swimming pool
Песок [pee-SOK] sand
Загорать [za-ga-RAT’] bask in the sun
Солнцезащитный крем [saln-tse-za-SHEET-niy KRYEM] sunscreen
Загар [za-GAR] tan
Купaться [koo-PAT’-sya] swim
Плавать [PLA-vat’] swim

Russian Summer Words

If you’ve read our previous article, you should know that dacha is one of the most favorite hobbies for millions of Russians! They really love to spend their summer at their dacha, growing fruit and vegetables, swimming in the lake, or making shashlik.

Here are some more summer words:

Дача – Summer cottage

Дача [DA-cha] summer cottage
Сад [SAT] garden
Огород [a-ga-ROT] vegetable garden
Садить [sa-DEET’] plant
Поливать [pa-lee-VAT’] water
Ухаживать [oo-HA-zhee-vat’] look after
Овощи [O-va-shee] vegetables
Фрукты [FROOK-ti] fruit
Ягоды [YA-ga-di] berries
Цветы [tsvee-TI] flowers
Выращивать [vi-RA-shee-vat’] grow

Russian Summer Words

Погода Летом – Summer Weather

Солнце [SOLN-tsye] sun
Жаркий [ZHAR-keey] hot
Тёплый [TYOP-liy] warm
Влажный [VLAZH-niy] wet
Прохладный [prah-LAD-niy] cool

Летние Развлечения – Fun Summer Activities

Most popular activities in the summer are:

Кататься на велосипеде [ka-TAT’-sya na vye-la-see-PYE-dye] ride a bike
Кататься на лодке [ka-TAT’-sya na LOT-kye] sail a boat
Играть в теннис [eeg-RAT’ f TE-nees] play tennis
Бадминтон [bad-meen-TON] badminton

Russian Summer Words

Летняя одежда – Summer clothes

Купальник [koo-PAL’-neek] bikini
Плавки [PLAF-kee] swimming trunks
Сандалии [san-DA-lee] sandals
Босоножки [ba-sa-NOSH-kee] sandals, mules
Вьетнамки [vyet-NAM-kee] flip-flops
Кепка [KYEP-ka] baseball cap
Шляпа [SHLYA-pa] hat

We hope you’ll make use of these summer words when you need to describe your summer vacation. If you’d like to learn any other Russian words that you’re more than welcome to leave your comment!

Russian Summer Words

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