News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions

What do Russians Have for Breakfast?

Have you ever thought about what Russians have for breakfast? For example, some people prefer to have a cup of coffee for breakfast, other people like to eat bread with butter or jam and have a cup of tea with honey in the morning. Russians also like to have eggs, cornflakes, oatmeal porridge, pancakes, or […]


What do Russians Have for Breakfast?

News and interesting facts, Russian language, culture, history, traditions

What do Russians Have for Breakfast?

Have you ever thought about what Russians have for breakfast? For example, some people prefer to have a cup of coffee for breakfast, other people like to eat bread with butter or jam and have a cup of tea with honey in the morning. Russians also like to have eggs, cornflakes, oatmeal porridge, pancakes, or a sandwich for breakfast.

Today in this article you’ll learn some interesting words which will encourage you to talk about breakfast in Russian.

Eggs for breakfast

Everybody likes a traditional breakfast on a lazy Sunday morning, do they?  For example, many people prefer an omelet. Here are the words that you can use when you would like to talk about breakfast in Russian:

Eggs for breakfast

Яйцо [yay-TSO] egg
Варёное яйцо [va-RYO-na-ye yay-TSO] boiled egg
Яйцо вкрутую [yay-TSO v kroo-TOO-yoo] hard-boiled egg
Яйцо всмятку [yay-TSO v SMYAT-koo] soft-boiled egg
Омлет [am-LYET] omelet
Яйца-пашот [YAY-tsa PA-shot] poached eggs
Яичница [ya-YESH-nee-tsa] fried eggs
Яичница-болтунья [ya-EESH-nee-tsa bal-TOON’-ya] scrambled eggs
Яичница-глазунья [ya-EESH-nee-tsa gla-ZOON’-ya] sunny side up, you can also call it “глазунья”
Ветчина [vet-chee-NA] ham
Бекон [bee-KON] bacon
Сосиска [sa-SEES-ka] sausage, for example, frankfurters or hot dogs.
Колбаса [kal-ba-SA] sausage, for example, Polish sausage
Сыр [SIR] cheese


Cereals are getting increasingly popular in Russia, for example, oat flakes for breakfast, which you can cook with milk or just eat with milk.

Now oatmeal porridge [af-SYA-na-ya KA-sha] (porridge, oatmeal) is a very popular dish for breakfast in a lot of Russian-speaking countries. If you are looking for a more colloquial way to refer to it, you can use the word: овсянка [af-SYAN-ka]. Cornflakes (кукурузные хлопья [koo-koo-ROOZ-ni-ye HLOP’-ya]) as well as muesli (мюсли [MYOOS-lee]) are also becoming very popular.


If you like a freshly cooked oatmeal porridge or cereals in the morning, you can have them with:

Молоко [ma-la-KO] milk
Йогурт [YO-goort] yogurt
Фрукт [FROOKT] fruit
Ягода [YA-ga-da] berry
Изюм [ee-ZYOOM] raisin
Орехи [a-RYE-hi] nuts


Pancakes are also very popular with Russians. They are often served with jam, honey, or sour cream.


Хлеб [HLYEP] bread
Тост [TOST] toast
Блины [blee-NY] thick pancakes
Thin pancakes can be referred to as: блинчики [BLEEN-chee-kee].
Оладьи [a-LAD’-yee] small round pancakes or very often they are called  – оладушки [o-LA-doosh-ki].
Масло [MAS-lo] butter
Сметана [smye-TA-na] sour cream
Мёд [MYOT] honey
Варенье [va-RYEN’-ye] jam



Сок [SOK] juice
Фруктовый сок [frook-TO-viy SOK] fruit juice
Апельсиновый сок [a-pyel’-SEE-na-viy SOK] orange juice
Вода [va-DA] water
Чай [CHAI] tea
Чёрный чай [CHOR-niy CHAI] black tea
Зелёный чай [zyee-LYO-niy CHAI] green tea
Кофе [KO-fye] coffee
Сливки [SLEEF-kee] cream
Сгущённое молоко [sgoo-SHO-na-ye ma-la-KO], or сгущёнка [sgoo-SHON-ka] – condenced milk
Сахар [SA-har] sugar

Verbs to talk about breakfast:

Готовить завтрак [ga-TO-veet’ ZAV-trak] cook, make breakfast
Делать завтрак [DYE-lat’ ZAV-trak] cook, make breakfast
Делать [DYE-lat’ KO-fye, CHAI] кофе, чай make coffee, tea
Намазывать хлеб маслом [na-MA-zi-vat’ HLYEP MAS-lam] spread butter on bread
Кипятить воду [kee-pya-TEET’ VO-doo] boil water
Заваривать чай [za-VA-ree-vat’ CHAI] make tea
Добавлять молоко, сахар [da-bav-LYAT’ ma-la-KO, Sa-har] add milk, sugar
Размешивать [raz-MYE-shee-vat’] mix
Кушать [KOO-shat’] eat
Есть [YEST’] eat
Пить [PEET’] drink

Make breakfast

We hope you’ll like the article. Is breakfast in Russia similar to breakfast in your country? You can leave your comments below.

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